Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sen Frist /Hillary vs Condi 3/6/06

Many who heard Majority Leader Sen Bill Frist (R. Tenn) speak at this weeks Orthodox Union dinner were unanimous in their criticism of his speaking abilities."Boring, monotone,uninspiring and devoid of personality" were among the criticisms. Sen Frist,a cardiac surgeon, is a good man with solid political skills.He has vowed not to run for a third term,ostensibly to run for the Presidency.Unless he can take some speech lessons and learn how to inspire a large audience,he would be better off going back to surgery==or running for re-election.
Hopefully Sen Rick Santorum of Pa will be re-elected and remain in the Republican Senate leadership.However,the Senate Republicans really need Sen Trent Lott in a major leadership position.He never should have resigned over an innocent remark taken out of context regarding Strom Thurmond.

The talk and book re Hillary vs Condi in '08 to me is just hype.
Hillary whether you like her or not is out there, raising funds ,putting together a national staff and campaign,developing relations and speaking out on her issues.She will by '08 have won two Senate contests in NY.If she gets the nomination, she will have worked for it and will deserve it.

Condi, on the other hand has no political base.Were she to desire to run,she would have to resign her present position very shortly.Republican candidates are not sitting back waiting for her.Where does she stand on abortion, immigration, affirmative action, taxes and a myriad of social issues.? If she is a social liberal, then she surely could not win the nomination-no campaign funds and wrong on the issues- from the point of view of the republican base.Even Sen John McCain will have problems in that regard. The Republicans, with Sens Allen ,McCain, Frist and a number of Governors including Romney and Pataki as well as Rudy Guliani are not waiting for a "Draft Condi " movement.
In short, its great for the talking heads on cable tv, but far from realpolitik !