Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ann Coulter / Hillary Bibi

For shame on Canada and Ottowa University for forcing a cancellation of Ann Coulters speech due to the conduct of protestors.While I am not a fan of hers,her ideas contain solid conservative thought.No one forces anyone to listen to those they disagree with.However in the absence of incitement,free speech mandated that a proper opportunity should not be denied to a legitimate person with a point of view.

I have not seen or heard of the results of the Obama-Bibi meeting.However I did hear that a photo-op session with Hillary was cancelled.Let us make no mistake, Obama-Hillary etc are not our friends,and the Democratic leadership except for a few has been too silent.

I watched the AIPAC speech by Bibi last nite.Firstly he did use a teleprompter which would have made his eye movements and presentation better
As far as the leadership goes ,Bibi is certainly the most articulate,especially in english.He twice made the point that Israel reserves the right to defend itself,even as he defended building in Jerusalem.We just have to start counting how many days O has left in his presidency.