Sunday, June 20, 2010


Tomorrow we leave for 2 months to Florida.Perhaps Elli will blog Mon-Tues.
Cong. Barton used inappropriate language in describing the Obama interaction with BP.But yet the facts are that BP was stupid to agree to the Presidents demands.
Of course they are responsible and must pay damages etc.However we are a country of laws,and that includes the Pres..
BP is a foreign company and was already paying damages.Had they wanted to set up a fund to expedite the process fine,however even if guilty they are entitled to their day in court.Thus if individuals were unhappy,then they have a right to sue.
I have no love for the BP team,and I have no idea if I own any shares.However the treament by Congress of the CEO was pure political "lynching",and under the circumstances.Hayward did fine-in that he had to ptotect himself and the company in light of a criminal probe.
The pictures of him at a yacht race,is no different than Obama-Biden golfing again for perhaps the sixth or seventh time since the spill.
Finally when are we going to have Congress investigate itself and the Bush-Clinton-Obama administrations for terrible oversight of the oil industry-Obama was the top recipient of BP contributions