Wednesday, August 10, 2005


If the news from DEBKA .COM is correct , then for the first time in four years the Palestinian Authority has quietly re-opened Orient House as PA Headquarters in Jerusalem. To the PA this is a symbol of their claim to Jerusalem as the capitol of a Palestinian State.
I recall sitting outside the compound that was protected by PA security, and was an independent island of autonomy within Jerusalem. The PA motto of “today Gaza and tomorrow Jerusalem “is serious. Prior to the closure of Orient House by Sharon there were satellite PA mini-ministries throughout Jerusalem .These ranged from Health to Security and Social Services.
If the Prime Minister is truly committed to a unified indivisible Jerusalem as the Capitol of the State of Israel, he should without delay and WITHOUT CONSULTING the State Department close them down.
If he does not, it will only be a matter of time that Abbas will move in and foreign delegations will visit him not in Ramallah, but ORIENT HOUSE, in PALESTINIAN JERUSALEM