Sunday, October 07, 2018


There is no reason for me to analyze the eloquent and thoughtful speech of Senator Collins on the Senate floor Friday. It speaks for itself!
She took the sails out of the disgraceful attacks on Judge Cavanaugh, and specifically Feinstein and Murkowski

I only feel that there was one great omission
The Law students at Yale and Harvard, as well as the left wing law professors who left class to proclaim "Guilty until prove innocent"  ( my quote) should be ashamed of themselves-is this the best that these  legal minds could come up with in analyzing  a critical moment in American history?

I would love to have the high school  college and graduate school antics of these students, professors  and the Schumers of the Congress undergo such a public examination of their personal lives..
By their standards probably most would have to drop out (alcohol,drugs, shoplifting, sexual "aggression", telling off- color or racist jokes and so on)

One last thought-as a Vietnam veteran I don"t know how the Senator from Connecticut can stand up and criticize  any other human being? or Pocahantas who refuses to take a DNA  test , but used her "HERITAGE" to the full extent of the law.