Wednesday, November 07, 2012


This will be my blog swansong.
Firstly I have to admit that I was way off in my analysis and predictions.
Secondly I realize I have been spending too much time watching Fox news, and following all the political blog.You can get a headache  from the background noise.In truth , what the public gets  especially from the media is no longer unbiased,or objective.
I always thought the purpose of papers like the NYT was to cover a story from all angles and allow the reader to make an informed decision.
When you see for example the lack of coverage of Benghazi, or the buildup of a cynical Christie-Obama hug into a Commander-in-Chief showing "BIPARTISANSHIP" you realize that you have a right to be cynical.
The media being "left" from the start , could not in any way contribute to a thorough examination of Obama.They loved the story of our first black President, and did not want to see him defeated.Any criticism was labeled "racist", even though he was the same black man when he ran 4 years ago..
2- This is a new America-single women who don't need a husband to conceive ,an influx of Hispanics,and a black population where 75%  births are illegitimate.
True the blacks have pride in a black President.However , they are worse off economically ,but refuse to see the fact.
3-The role of public service unions are a corrupting influence,since they bare bankrupting cities and states.
4=We have become a society of people who demand and expect anything and everything from govt.-food stamps- birth to burial benefits.However, the piggy bank is almost broke, and unless we face it,there will be riots in the street as we can no longer afford to become another Greece.
5-The talking heads on TV especially Fox misread the voter turnout on many counts-IE.-total voters ,the enthusiasm of young people, Hispanics and blacks and the anticipated turnout of the coal country as well as the evangelicals-who probably could not support a Mormon.

The Republican Party will have to figure out how to not only meet the demographic changes, but get rid of the anti-abortion zealots,who cannot understand that even people who oppose abortion sympathize with rape victimsThe Akins comments poisoned the well for all Rep. Senate candidates
I believe that for myself, I have had enough of the daily dose of "GOTCHA" and for the time will retire from watching Hannity and Greta,as well as this blog.
I thank all those who have contacted me personally over the years to agree or disagree with me.If I can convince one of my sons to rake over I will.