Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Giving consideration to resume blogging

Now that my 5th book, The Five Day War  (my  first novel) has been published, and I have  some time available, I am considering a return to blogging.
The novel took about 3 1/2 years to write, and I am pleased with the response to date. The critics have been positive, and I await a review in Jewish Action.
I thought I would start with some simple thoughts on the Supreme Court nomination.
The vetting has been going on for a long time. The potential candidates were chosen by the Federalist Society ( I am a member) and all are brilliant and conservative-as well as young.
I am positive that not one of them has uttered a written  or spoken word on Roe v Wade .
When the nominee is chosen , he /she will undergo many days of practice hearings to anticipate every  possible attempt to make them look bad ( by the Dems). Since the hearings  for Justice Ginsberg, and after the Bork   fiasco  no attempt to pin down a nominee on how they would vote has been successful .Yes Judicial approach- the role of precedent  and personality will be on display-however, NO SMOKING GUNS!
The left and the Schumers of the world will object-perhaps 2 or 3 RINOS  WILL VOTE NO-however, the few Dems up for re-election in solid Trump states, will with the vote of the VP  to assure that we have a new conservative on the Court.
One final thought for today, the talk to abolish ICE, to attack GOP office holders and the viciousness of the late-night comedians  will surely lead to an energizing of the country against this left wing socialist  mayhem.