Thus whatever the issue, even if the Dems supported it in previous votes, or even if the facts show that the majority of citizens will benefit ( the tax bill) (border security)- if it come from Trump= attack it.
An example of Dem hypocrisy is the demand that if an agreement is reached with N Korea (a big ? ) it should be referred to the Senate for approval. Funny, I do not recall a similar demand on the Obama cash give-away with Iran.
The decision a few months ago to close the government to protect illegals was a foolish gesture to embarrass Trump on the anniversary of his inaugural.
Aside from character assassination, where is an honest discussion from the left on the issues.All we hear is scare tactics on abortion, LGBT's etc
Examine the faces and expressions of CNN and MSNBC commentators-their smirks and insults permeate the screen-I feel that they believe anyone who supports Trump cannot be educated or informed and is a neo-racist..
The Rasmussen poll shows American do not blame the President for family separations at the border.Mothers and women who bring in children that may not be their own-for bribe money are to blame.What do illegals expect when they violate the laws of any country that has warned them about the path they are undertaking. A country without laws or borders is NOT a country
Of course our immigration policy is archaic. What are we doing to deport the millions who have overstayed their visas or those who do not show up for immigration hearings?
The Democrats do not have a single leader to unite them or the country. Are they socialists or capitalists? Are they for unlimited immigration-NO BORDERS-NO ICE-NO COUNTRY?
Enough hate-mature political discourse is what is needed on both sides.
Finally those who compare Trump to Hitler, or the separation of children at the border to the Holocaust, bring great shame on themselves. As they trivialize the Holocaust , they admit their ignorance and lack of sensitivity for that horrendous period. If they are serious they should visit the Holocaust museum in Washington or Yad Veshem in Jerusalem and publicly apologize for their gross ignorance. Such ad-hominem attacks only energize the Republican and conservative base.