Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Forward 50

There was a time when the Forward published a list annually of the top 50 Jewish leaders.One year I was priviledged to be in the top 2 or 3.
When the paper changed editors and owners, I stopped following the weekly edition.Howevwe I was in Israel 10 days ago and the Forward wad given out with Haaretz.
To my suprise, the list is currently "jews" who are in the news
For example Cong. Gabrielle Giffords is on the list for being "brave".Unfortunately her father was Jewish not her mother.
Of course people like Jennifer Laszio Mizrachi of the Israel Project deserves to be included.As does Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, President of the Rabbinical Council of America.
HOW IN THE WORLD IS CONG ANTHONY WEINER or Fred Wilpon of the Mets included?