Monday, May 21, 2012


Quite a number of years ago, when I was OU Pres., Corey Booker came to my office to introduce himself.I don't recall who brought him,however he was a neophyte politician.Today of ccourse  he is Newark Mayor.
In the days of Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, he was a breath of fresh air for the black community leadership.,
I found him open and fair minded.He also had a great deal of understanding of the political needs of the Jewish community (and Israel)
If he runs in the future for Lautenberg's seat his personality will come in handy.
Thus it was in character for him when yesterday  he blasted the attacks on Romney (he is a Dem.) for Bain Capital, and  for the attacks on venture capitalism by the WH.
Sadly later in the day, he sort of softened his stand , after pressure from the WH, but the "damage" had been done.

The action today by the Knesset to grant a 35% tax adv antage to new setrtlements on both sides of the Green Line is a welcome move. The opponents are correct that this is a backhanded method of supporting the growth of Judea and Samaria. However what with the Supreme Court being less than supportive, the EU on their back and the Obama Administation opposed to settlements, this is a creative way to  encourage growth.
The argument that it will hinder peace,or a 2 State solution is ridiculous.
Anytime Abbas wants to sit and negotiate without pre-conditions, Israel is ready.Plus everyone knows that there is no way that Israel will return to pre-'67 borders.