Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rudy vs Hillary / Political Action

The full page NYT ad by Rudy against Hillary was significant.Firstly it brilliantly positioned Hillary as anti-Petraeus, while Rudy was in effect a bystander who is merely informing the public as to the lack of proper response by the Dems and Hillary to
Secondly, it is surely the forerunner of a "swift-boat " campaign, painting the Dems as anti-security and anti-military.
I knew was big,however until the NYT story I did not appreciate their size,power and ARROGANCE.
At this rate, they will bring the Dems down from victory.The efforts of all Dem candidates to veer so far to the left in the primary season,could be their downfall in the elections.

Tonight ,My wife and I will be hosting a HUVPAC meeting in our home featuring Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas.It was in that very room in our basement ,that 25 years ago we started HUVPAC.For much of that time,together with great supporters we have raised millions for candidates who appreciate the US-Israel relationship.
Now our efforts are under attack once again.
On Jan. 12, 1989 pro-Arabists served us, 10 other Pac's and AIPAC with papers,charging us with violations of the Federal election laws.Their real purpose was to destroy us,and put us out of business.They failed!
Today, Mearsheimer,Walt, Jimmy Carter and others, try to place us in a position where our loyalty is questioned.We are all-powerful,control American foreign policy, stifle debate and dissent,and were responsible for the Iraq invasion.
Many fine articles,and the Foxman book have debunked these lies,so that I need not repeat their arguments.
I am very proud, that as citizen activists,we appreciate "participatory democracy" as fundamental to our rights as Americans.We vote,we petition our leaders,we open our pocketbooks for causes we believe in, and we have no cause for shame.
Every interest group in our country is encouraged to do the same.Unions,farmers,doctors,senior citizens, Cubans who fight Castro etc etc are all in the same boat.
That is the beauty of America.
But we are blessed, because the American people, Christian and Jew ,black and white
support Israel, as a friend, ally ,fellow democracy and strategic partner.
I just heard a warm radio commercial on the "beauty of Islam".It claims 9 million American Muslims.What a fantatic growth rate-1 million each year.The truth is closer to 3 million.But regardless! With all their millions they have but one freshmen Congressman and no Senators.
But our strength is not based upon the Jewish population in any State.Rather, the morality and Justice of our mission appeals to our fellow countrymen,and G-d willing
it will remain so.