Monday, May 25, 2009

Ackerman must go /Memorial Day / N. Korea-Iran /Jerusalem

Cong. Gary Ackerman represents a large Jewish district.His statements in Israel and even before going,symbolize that he has lost contact with his roots.Attacking Israel on Gaza and on "natural growth" of settlements and his negative remarks about the PM, show it is time for this puffed -up political crony to be challenged in a primary.

Today is Memorial Day.For most Americans barbecues and sales in the mall.For those of us who served, a time for reflection .I recall all the young men that I came in contact with during my year in Vietnam. I especially remember the Rabbi and the physicians who lost their lives in the vicinity of my base.
Yesterday while driving in Leonia,I saw a group of about a dozen protesters with signs calling for withrawal from war."Bring our boys back"
I am not sure if they refer to Iraq ,Afghanistan or both.That is what makes America great,that these people can protest publicly.
The battle last week between Obama and Cheney was exciting, but sadly the President has taken the tack that every ill is the fault of Bush.Never once has he said that Bush kept us free from a second attack,or that the strategy last year ( the surge) to win in Iraq was successful.Therefore when he and Pelosi protesteth TOO MUCH,they get Cheney who really scored a bullseye.From my point of view -G-d bless Cheney.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The nuclear blast by N. Korea once again shows the Obama impotence. Surely Iran is watching the inaction,and the Israelis will surely take notice.


The statement of the PM to the Cabinet, that building in Jerusalem and its environs are not included in any discussion of freezing settlements is welcome news.Now let us see E-1 construction proceed rapidly