Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sen. Kennedy / Goodbye Monsey-Hello - Fort Lee

We have to take the medical reports from Mass General with a littlle bit of skepticism .That Sen. Kennedy did not have a stroke is easy to realize.What the public will want to see or hear are the definitve tests such as MRI, angiogram and neurologic testing.Among the most worrisome lesions,are brain tumor and vascular abnormalities.
The next 48 hours should point us in the right direction.


This will be my last blog for about a week,as we are about to move from Monsey to Fort Lee.My son Elli may blog if he has time.
This week,represents two events.First as I mentioned after close to 38 years living in Monsey,we have sold our home.The second is the celebration this Thurs. of my 50th anniversary of my graduating Yeshiva College.
Both events are clear proof (as if one was needed) that time marches on.Events and demographics evolve.I never thought that Monsey would change.However as our children grew up,married and left the community,they were not replaced by a new generation of modern orthodox.The change in our environment added to an aging population ,as well as illness, death and movement by seniors closer to their children has changed the dynamics of our 'goldene medinah". It is a story being repeated in other communities,and should serve as a wake-up call to younger communities to resist resting on their current laurels,but plan for the future.This must include housing and programs for all types of individuals at all levels of Jewish education.Daf Yomi alone will not do it.
I was at a Bris 2 weeks ago at the Jewish Center on W86th, and saw their expanded program anf faculty.Not every shul can have Perek in Central Park,but there is a palpable spirit in the community,that sadly wanes when leadership fails to look to the future.