Tuesday, June 12, 2012

putin to israel / obama too busy for wisc. /the un and world court

The  news that Putin will visit Israel is welcome news.  While he supports Iran and Syria it never hurts to welcome the head of such an important country-if only to see the facts on the ground and exchange ideas. SHOULD iSRAEL ATTACK Iran, I doubt that the visit would take place.

The talks with Iran are going nowhere.
Iran says show us why we should go back to 20% enrichment ( from 27%  ?) The US is talking of 3 % and Israel 0 per cent.

I understand why the WH saw Wisconsin as radioactive for them last week. Still Obama could have made a video appeal, or hold a fund raiser for himself.TODAY HOWEVEVER, HIS LAME EXCUSE THAT AS PRESIDENT HE IS VERY BUSY, and could not find the time. is laughable.
After all lunch with Sarah Jessica Parker types really take up his schedule.
Sadly the President is not governing, but crying about the Republicans.This morning Bret Stephens in his WSJ op-ed places that complaint into historic perspective.  
This afternoons  polling on   Jews in NYS, and blacks from N.Carolina are not good news for Obama,

How can we still belong to an organiztion as impotent, corrupt , one sided as the UN.
To see the pictures from Syria makes one sick.
How many people will have to die before Assad is arrested by the world Court?

Today  the Knesset is  debating whether to condemn Turkey for the Armenian genocide===FINALLY