Thursday, January 03, 2008

Olmert / Conservative and Reform failures

The PM, apparently gave the green light for Egypt to allow the Hamas people to enter Gaza through the Rafah Gate. So much for security, and trying to prevent cash smuggling.
Now, we see the PM getting uptight re; construction in Jerusalem,- ie Maale Adumim and Har Homa.
The Bush visit, is making him nervous. Taken together with the Saudis attacking settlements, and Bush criticizing them, now is the time for steel nerves.Stick to the Iranian dangers that loom over the world.Forget the criticisms of the settlements.

Incidentally everyone should condemn those Rabbis who attacked the PM ,and suggested that he and others should be executed.We have been there before and it is ugly and against Torah Law.

The Govt. today announced that 122mm Katushas now endanger 250,ooo Israelis in the South.They also discovered 2 Quassams being put together in Nablus.
The new Security Council President is Libya, and they immediately came out against sanctions against Iran.So What's New?

Thank the Lord that Iowa is almost out of the way.The press have the ability to shape expectations,and results.Thus a 3rd place finish for McCain is a boost for him in New Hampshire.Do you understand?

I have been amused and amazed by two stories in recent days regarding my friends in the Conservative/Reform movements.
The former want to know why their efforts to infuse their movement wth tradition has not succeeded ?The latter want to know why they have not made progress among Israelis?
Suffice it to say, THAT PEOPLE LONG FOR AUTHENTICITY and tradition that is consistent.
Both groups keep changing the goalposts and the rules,and people really get it!
If I wish to be observant, then Orthodoxy is the authentic path.If you desire a real commitment to tradition, then why go halfway? How can I train my children to be Jews,but lack a clear and definitive theology?

Woman Clergy
Patrilineal Descent
No or Incomplete Sabbath observance
A kashruth Standard that reads like a Chinese Menu-1 from Column A...
A lack of Torah Scholarship
Same Sex Marriages
and so on
The similarities to the life of a Torah personality (not a scholar- but a balabus) is just not there.
Thus intermarriage and assimilation are rampant.Even with all the "HALACHIK" changes, that they make, there can no long term future for them, if they continue on their current path.