Three cheers for Greece.
It just completed 2 weeks of joint air force maneuvers with the IDF in Greece.
It has prevented the flotilla ships from leaving for Gaza.This includes commandos boarding 1 ship,and arresting all occupants of a second ship.
The new relationship has yielded much Israeli tourism, some at the expense of Turkey.Although efforts are underway to have a joint Israel-Turkey UN statement in the next few days on the flotilla events of a year ago.
In a few days it is reported that 500 pro-Palestinian activists will land in Ben-Gurion airport,and if they are denied entrance to Israel, will demonstrate at the airport.They hope to tie up the airport and get some publicity.
I assume the police and Immigration authorities will be ready for them.
It is funny,but sad that the State Dept., is warning Assad that his time to "reform" is running out.Tell that to the 1200 plus fatalities.
Another funny quip is the President telling a news conference that he had not read enough on the NLRB-Boeing conflict to comment fully.
Give me a break! He is THE pro-union President,and there is nothing he would not do to help them.
The whole classs warfare motto of the Dems sound terrific if you are part of the 40-50% of people who pay no taxes.However, the definition of fat-cat millionaire and billionare of $250,000 is laughable.
In the NY area with high rents,sending your kids to religious/private schools,paying for college tuitions ,perhaps summer camp,insurance and so on,very few people in that category would consider themselves wealthy.None of them has a corporate jet.Even if we knocked out the corporate jet it would take 7000 years to cover 1 year of the debt.
Yet Americans don't envy people who succeed,if the opportunity is open to everyone via meritocracy.
The message is Govt. get off my back,cut spending,and live within your means as I do.
Off to Florida tomorrow for 6 weeks.