Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Arab gambit

Many years ago, I had the experience of negotiating with an Arab lawyer in Jerusalem over a building that his church owned,and we (the OU ) wanted to buy.They refused to sell, but were willing to lease,and thus began a marathon which had me negotiating against myself.
Never did he budge from his position,always saying "Dr Ganchrow,do you really expect me to come back to my people with such an offer? "
If we look at the history of dealings between Israel and the PLO/PA you find the Arabs have never changed their positions-Jerusalem as their capitol, the "right of return" 1967 borders,no recognition of Israel as a Jewish State etc.
Israel always makes concessions-withdraw from Gaza,halting settlement construction for 10 months ,taking down barriers and so on.

Gov. Rick Perry is reaching out to the pro-Israel community.In addition to his WSJ op-ed, he had a Jerusalem Post op-ed on 9/16 entitled "The Palestinians illegitimate UN gambit".
Whoever the Republican nominee will be,it will be like a breath of fresh air if they are victorious ( in regard to our peo-Israel policy).