Sunday, March 29, 2009

E-1 /

While I have complained for many years about the mickey mouse method of putting together a cabinet in Israel,there are some advantages. The most important result of this silly season, has been the secret agreement between Bibi and Lieberman that the E-1 corridor will be built.Anyone who has visited Maale Adumim ,Ir David,Ras Al-Amoud and Abu Dis understands that without the buildup of thousands of Israeli homes in this corridor,the Arabs would have a direct route,in a contiguous manner to Har Habayit-(the Temple Mount).This is their plan for a divided Jerusalem,with the Palestinian capitol being there.E-1 totally prevents that.The plan have been approved,and besides the police station,a massive roadworks project has been completed to support the housing.The project was put on hold because of US pressure.Now however,is the time to quickly put facts on the ground.
Secondly,though I believe Barak like most of the leaders are arrogant and self-centered,he is a master military strategist.With the aid of people like Mofaz and Yaalon,the final planning for the Iranian attack will be smoother.As we get closer to that day,I would expect Kadimah to secretly join the Security Cabinet,and the a National Unity Govt.

How sad that the PA dismantled and punished their youth orchestra who played in Israel to commemorate the Holocaust.
Real partners in Peace!