Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jim Joseph Foundation / Fatah vs PLO / Dodd /Rosen

This Passover,as I previously mentioned I will once again serve as scholar-in-residence at the old Granit Hotel( Hudson Valley Resort). One of my topics will be the "Recession and its effect on the Jewish middle class".Of course yeshiva tuition is one of the most serious problems for people who have lost their jo
Thus I was pleased to read that the Jim Joseph Foundation has granted millions in scholarships for yeshivas and summer camps in 5 cities.For a number of years I served on the Board of the Foundation while Jim was alive.
Hopefully other Foundations will follow suit..===


Sen. Dodd looked confused and foolish today ,as he first denied then admitted his role in the AIG bonuses.His poll numbers already down should decrease even more.The Democrats shouyld be watching the latest Rasmussen poll which shows generic Republicans for the first time beating Dems.


It is interesting to hear former Gaza boss Dahlan, who was Abbas' man before being overthrown by Hamas, advise Hamas never to recognize Israel.His point is tha Arafat and the PLO recognized Israel and not Fatah. Sounds like a good peace-partner.


It is good to see Steve Rosen writing for Dan Pipes organization.I wrote a long time ago,that he deserved support within the pro-Israel community.His expertise will supplement Pipes who is an expert on terrorism.