Sunday, March 08, 2009

A wasted war

It is so difficult for the outsider to understand how the Israeli Govt.chooses and follows up on policies.Surely it is not like the US.where the Pres. is responsible for administration decisions,following internal debate.
PM Olmert appears to be right on target in blasting Defense Minister Barak, for going to war in Gaza,expending life and material,and now only a very short time after withdrawal,dissipating any gains.Not only is the smuggling continuing, but the rockets keep coming into Israel and Hamas appears stronger than ever as it is poised to join a "unity" govt with Fatah.Of course there is no sign of the release of Shalit.Above and beyond this is the fact that despite the resignation of PM Salem Fayyad of the PA,the US will encourage the Egyptians to make a Fatah-Hamas deal.The deals on the table that Barak supposedly supports,were there before the invasion,so what was gained?
All of us know,that the outcome of such a deal is the ultimate election of Hamas in the west bank,and a Hamas takeover as they did in Gaza in June 2007 with minimal effort.
Hamas might make some declarations about peace,but will never recognize Israel.
This would be a victory for Iran,which sits on the sidelines as it foments war and tragedy.
The Pro-Israel community will have its hand full fighting for a Bibi govt. with Lieberman as FM,and right wing parties in the govt.In addition a 61 member bloc is not stable,and the threats of any faction could bring the govt. down.The country needs electoral reform as never before,however Shas opposes it.