Thursday, January 13, 2011

the rally

Of course Arizona was and is a tragedy.However,I believe that the constant cable coverage-primarily repetitious is over the line.
This is not an event that will permanently change the landscape.Liberals are still calling for Palin's scalp.
The Palm Beach Post has on page one that Jewish groups are angry with Palin for her use of the "blood libel" remark Thewe groups would attack Palin even if she read from the Bible.
I was disappointed with the Memorial service,which was not the somber. spiritual event I expected.It was a rally with yelling and applause.and resembled an election campaign event.I do not fault the President for that,but he spoke too long.
When President Obama missed key events to lay a wreath at Arlington, the liberals did not comment.Boehner did not attend the event and is criticized.