Monday, January 17, 2011

The Volt / Mossad ---and labor

It is amazing that the Volt electric auto which sells for $4o,ooo ,is subsidized to the tune of $7,000 per auto.
This is a car which few people could afford and even fewer would want to purchase without such a subsidy.
What is needed is a massive drilling for off-shore oil,including Alasks so that the cost of gas will not rise to five or ten dollars per gallon.Obama thinks that if gas goes up,less people will drive.If by 2012 gas reaches that level, it will help make Obama a former President.
Americans need their autos for work and play.Expensive trains between cities that will not suffice to satisfy drivers, but cost billions to please the unions or politicians are merely a gimmick.
We need clean coal,wind solar gas and oil to keep our industrial machine and our consumer needs viable.

It appears the outgoing Mossad Chief Dagan may have overstated his projection for the date vthat Iran will become a nuclear nation.He seems to be back-tracking.
However on a recent teleconference with the former head mof the Israeli Security Council, I asked if Dagan's views were accepted by the entire Israeli intelligence tea.He answered in the affirmative.

A pity what has happened to a once proud successful political party-with the demise of Labor.Ehud Barak really has no principle as he remains in the cabinet with a shrunken group-what they stand for is hard to ascertain.