One can imagine the growing anxiety of the Israeli troops gathered around Gaza.While most are probably regular army,some are reservists,Each day,they observe both the outgoing rockets that hit Ashkelon etc ,and they see the blasts from IAF jets ,helicopters and drones. The tension rises,as they think of their families back home,and wonder if and when the orders will come to attack.
After a period of time,this waiting starts to have a negative effect on the civilian poulation who support a definitive action,but yet see daily 30-50 incomung rockets,as well as the troops.
Of course we in the Diaspora are no less anxious,as we pray that the fighting cease,but not without a total cessation of Hamas rockets.
I was in a restautant last nite in Delray(FL) when a young man at the next table asked me if I was Mendy Ganchrow.He was from St. Louis, but formerly from Bayside Queen,where my mother and brothers lived.His mother Kate Ast, now 87 was a friend of my mothers,but now lives with her children in St. Louis.
She asked her son "What ever happened to Kate Ganchrow?
He did not know,but googled her,came across this blog,where I noted in July that we were celebrating her 97th birthday!Of course she was pleased.
Tues. is the day for possible Senat theater with Sen. nominee Burris, and possibly Gov. B of Illinois planning to enter the Senate Chamber,and the Dems promising to block the doors.By Senate rules,Govs are entitled to enter the Chamber
As I say --Stay tuned!