Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The comeback kid ?

He gets a shellacking in the elections ,is forced to accept to accept a lower estate tax and no tax hike for upper income folks.He loses on the Dream Act ,and is forced to accept temporary govt. funding until March,sans any Obamacare funding.
Yes he kept the govt funded,and won on DADT, and probably will get his Start Treaty.
However,as he prepares for the next Congress, with its inherent battle of the budget in a GOP House,and 6 additional Rep. mainly conservative Senators,I don't know how he can be happy!
The Census figures today, no matter how you fudge the numbers cannot be good news for him.
In addition the returning Dem. members of the House,are more lefties who will be insignificant as negotiations between the GOP and the WH ensues.
Yes some people will think this is now a turn to the center,however it will be short-changed as the battle begins.
My surgery professor always said, "one prune does not make a tzimis"
One partial forced victory is neither a "comeback" nor a turn to the center-let's wait and see .(he was referring to one case proving a point).