Thursday, December 23, 2010

Incompetence ? Foreign policy failures

As an interested citizen who is concerned about terrorism and its possible growing role in the US,I was shocked to watch the reruns of the Head of Ntl Intelligence looking bewildered when asked about the London terrorist arrests.
This was not some page 20 story.Cable news broke into their programs,and subsequently had the usual talking heads analyzing who?,what?, why?, why now? and the significance and possible relationships with other recent terror attacks.
Even if Director Clapper was not briefed by his staff,shouldn't he know the simple headlines of the day in his domain?
One has the impression that we are still no closer to a streamlined,seamless intelligence community.Rather still too many agencies,overlap and fat.

As the President head off to Hawaii,we should review his foreign policy achievements in the last 2 years.
He promised to diplomatically deal with Iran, N. Korea,the ME,and make us more respected overseas.
The Iranian situation goes from bad to worse.If not for the worms in the computers,Israel probably would have undertaken a military strike.We have had some success with economic pressure,but not enough to turn the tide.
As in N. Korea, we make UN statements, and make demands-all for naught.
The PA has backed out of talks because President Obama had no idea how to approach the Israelis except with threats.That backfired,strengthening Bibbi.
Yes he passed the Start Treaty,however the S. Korean and Columbia Trade agreements lie without passage.
The President totally was wrong on Honduras,when he backed a Chavez clone-and lost.
Finally,yes Obama is still popular in Europe,for attacking American exceptionalism,however we are weaker diplomatically in Turkey,Pakistan AND THE Arab WORLD.