Thursday, December 22, 2011


The disclosure of the existance of years and years of anti-israel and anti-black articles by Ron Paul should shake up the race.He has ascribed to all types of conspiracy theories including 9/11.
When asked about the Iranian plot to assasinate the Saudi Ambassador,he called it a "propoganda stunt"
All of this and more is included in an article in this weeks Weekly Standard
by James Kirchil,entitled "The Company Ron Paul Keeps".
Paul walked away from a CNN interview when asked about these articles.He will now get the full examination by the media,since he is a "top-tier" candidate.

The agreement for the PA to join with Hamas and other terrorist groups could mean the end of any type of rapport between Israel and the Palestinians.

My Rav Rabbi Dr Moshe Tendler shlita, noted that the message of Chanukah is to live up to our potential.This little flask of oil had more in it than we suspected.So too,every Jew even the smallest "flask" contains the energy to give more light than one might imagine.