Thursday, June 30, 2011

B Hussein OBama / The Flotilla

There he goes again,as Pres Reagan would say.Recognizing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!
Anti-semitic-=anti-Israel -anti-U.S.-Is this what our foreign policy is about?
Stupidity,with an anti-Israel flavor.

The Israeli organization Shurat Hadin has been working around the clock to interfere with the Hamas flotilla.Today they noted that Gov. Perry had interceded on their behalf with the Attorney General's office.I cannot wait until he announces,and I predict many of the Rep.Governors will endorse hiom.So far only 3 of them have endorsed any candidate.The problem with Bachmann may be a thin resume in Executive office experience-while Perry would fit in perfectly,as the longest sitting Gov. in the country.

The Pres.resorted to childish attacks on the Republicans.For someone who is on the golf course a few times a week,planning a summer vacation and running all over for campaign fund raisers, his attacks are silly.HIS PRIVATE JET ATTACK LIKEWISE WILL APPEAL TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT DOING AWAY WITH A TAX BENEFIT FOR THE JETS WILL SOLVE THE FISCAL PROBLEM.It is chump change.
His attacks will not stand up to scrutiny.