Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The turnover rate in Congress last election was 20%. Many of the new members come from districts or States that either have few Jews,or where the US-Israel relationship is not at the top of the list of critical issues.
Yet, as we approach Sept.,as Abbas seeks to go to the UN for membership, it is the united bipartisan Congressional pressure, that will ensure a US veto.However, even with that,the Palestinians can try to obtain enhanced status in the General Assembly.Here the US has only 1 vote,however it can provide the leadership to defeat the move.
There will also be a move to cut off or reduce US funding to the PA if they go to the UN.
Coming soon in this difficult economic period, is the request to renew 3.075 billion to the Israel Defense needs.This requires educationg members of Congress to the absolute importance this is for US security.
The months ahead as Assad faces a tightening noose,he could play the Israel card by stirring up trouble in Lebanon or on the Golan.
There are many more issues,and as the Congressional and Presidential race takes shape,we have to demand NOT PLATITUDES but committments from candidates.
For us Israel has to be a non-partisan ,bi-partisan -pro-American issue.
I urge all who reads this to join or renew your pledges to AIPAC.
In my over 40 years of communal life,and close to 35 years as an observer of the US-Israel relationship,AIPAC is second to none.